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Ann Marie Piche (Author)
Where do Ideas come from?
When I tried to form ideas for my latest novel, Journey Though Magic River, one particular question popped into my mind. Something that...
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Ann Marie Piche (Author)
Struggles of a Newbie Writer
It was at midnight many months back when one single light shined on my keyboard as I type the last lines of my second novel. I have...
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Ann Marie Piche (Author)
First Editing Experience
My First Editing Experience. The first question my editor asked me was, “ Are you willing to rewrite your manuscript?” Now, my heart...
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Ann Marie Piche (Author)
Autobiographical Fiction
What is the definition of autobiographical? It's an account where the main character is modeled after the author. The plot line mirrors...
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Ann Marie Piche (Author)
The Blank White Page
I sat at my desk top computer one day staring at the blank white page. I could hear the rain pounding at the window. My mood was somber,...
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Ann Marie Piche (Author)
My First Lead
When I wrote my first newsletter for my dedicated subscribers, I talked about the blank white page and how it didn’t take long for that...
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Ann Marie Piche (Author)
What is my Purpose
How will ones life turn out? Will we be too young or too old when it ends? I choose to be old, but is it really up to me? And what...
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Ann Marie Piche (Author)
An Endless Number of Books
One grain of sand on a beach that runs for miles and miles. That is the first thing that comes to mind when I think, how in the world...
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Ann Marie Piche (Author)
A Dusty Old Book on the Shelf
A Dusty Old Book on the Shelf When I began to write, it wasn’t for anyone’s eyes except for mine and someday my grandchildren. This...
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